On Thursday 14th December 2023 we sang a Christmas Concert for PUMA to raise much needed funds for their return trip to Ukraine at The Church of the Ascension, Crownhill.
On Saturday 9th December 2023 we sang our annual concert at Pilgrim URC Church to raise money for the Children’s Hospice South West
On Saturday 22nd July we sang our final concert of the Summer Season on a very wet evening at Pilgrim United Reformed Church. We were raising money for The Stroke Association.
After our Concert on 1st June 2023 we were very pleased to be able to present a cheque for £1134.55 to PUMA at our rehearsal evening last week. L-R Marlene (TCC Former Chair Person), Julia (TCC Chair Person) & Ali (Plymouth Ukraine Medical Aid) (July 2023)
Some members of the Choir at rehearsal when Ali from PUMA came to collect the cheque (July 2023)
The Choir took part in the TaviFringe festival in Tavistock on Saturday 8th July 2023.
A Summer Concert on Saturday 24th June 2023 raising money for St Mary’s Church funds in Tamerton Foliot.
PUMA Concert on Thursday 1st June 2023. A packed Church raising money for Ukraine. There was standing room only in the foyer!
Summer Concert at Pilgrim URC 2019 with Jonathan Lewsey MD
Evening Concert at Plympton St Maurice Church 2019